Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School 2010 (Part II)

Meet the Teacher Night was last Friday night. Here's Jason with Mrs. Wirstrom -- the same teacher that Sophie had (and loved) for kindergarten. Here's Sophie with her 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Blakey.
These two were up and ready to go ..... about half an hour tooooo early!! (I shouldn't be complaining!)
Mom was walking too slow for Jason!
Is it a rule to give the shorter kids the top lockers???
Jason --- ready for the parents to leave so they could get the fun started.
Sophie found her locker and then got settled in her classroom.
Jason...after school...he survived, had some fun, but was a wee bit pooped!
Are you wondering 'Where is Sophie?' Well, she informed us that she really didn't need me to pick her up at school!! So she rode the bus home with friends and we picked her up at the bus stop....and then went for ice cream!!!

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