Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pruney Feet

This picture was taken about 20 minutes after Allison took her longest bath ever. We were amazed how pruney her feet still were.

Allison likes to play during her baths. She scoops and dumps water in her cup, she squirts water from the crab, Snoopy, and fish toys, and she general splashes. But on this day, she got especially giddy playing with the cup (for a looong time). She would hold it upside down under water then watch it fly as she let it go. I wish I could have got a picture of the 1st time she caught it in the air!

Here is her pruney face to go with the pruney feet.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Two Coats in Summer

Sophie took two coats to school this Wed in a Texas August summer! One was a rain coat to stay dry going into school. The 2nd was a sweater to stay warm in the cafeteria. So it makes some sense, but still.... Two coats during the middle of August?!? She must be related to Uncle David.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bon Appetit

Sophie's first try at cooking us dinner (mostly) by herself. I precooked the chicken just a bit.It was pretty tasty and we'll try it again!

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School 2010 (Part II)

Meet the Teacher Night was last Friday night. Here's Jason with Mrs. Wirstrom -- the same teacher that Sophie had (and loved) for kindergarten. Here's Sophie with her 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Blakey.
These two were up and ready to go ..... about half an hour tooooo early!! (I shouldn't be complaining!)
Mom was walking too slow for Jason!
Is it a rule to give the shorter kids the top lockers???
Jason --- ready for the parents to leave so they could get the fun started.
Sophie found her locker and then got settled in her classroom.
Jason...after school...he survived, had some fun, but was a wee bit pooped!
Are you wondering 'Where is Sophie?' Well, she informed us that she really didn't need me to pick her up at school!! So she rode the bus home with friends and we picked her up at the bus stop....and then went for ice cream!!!

First Day of School 2010 (Part I)

I'll post pics later after the kids get home from school. A conversation between Allison and I on our first day home by ourselves.....


Me: Allison, Sophie is at school sweetie. Remember?

Allison: Why did you just call Sophie?

Me: (I had just gotten off the phone). No, I was talking to O’ma.

Allison: You SAID Sophie!!!! WHY did you call ME SOPHIE??? I am ALLISON!!!! Remember?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Merry Christmas to Us....

Finally spent those Lego gift cards.
Can't wait to get upstairs and play with the new loot! Thanks Nana and Aunt Rho!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

For all our Rangers fans.....

We came across this picture the other day and it had to post it for all our friends who are Texas Rangers fans!!!