Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

Here's me with my birthday present. I asked John for a sewing machine. I don't really sew yet (except for that home-ec class in 7th grade), so I didn't really know what I wanted. John did all the research, narrowed it down to just a few choices and then let me pick. My mom came over last night to help me with my first project ... a skirt for Sophie.

Check the next, soon-to-be published post for the finished product.

1 comment:

ADish said...

So cool! I use mine for hemming things, mostly. I actually made (yes, MADE FROM SCRATCH) curtains once. For our basement windows in Ohio. Quite an accomplishment.

And the butterfly skirt looks great! I love that material. Nice work!

AND!! 3 posts in one day? I think you have me beat! :)