Saturday, February 16, 2013

Girl Scout Father Daughter Western Dance

Last night was the Girl Scout Father Daughter dance.   The theme this year was western.  I got to take both my cowgirls. 

 Here we are all ready to go.   Thanks for the shirt and hat David, seems you keep me in wardrobe for these themed dances.

Allison enjoyed the evening and I got to dance with her for almost two hours.   I only missed 2 or 3 songs, so there wasn't much opportunity to get pictures like this one of Allison doing a little boot scooting.
Sophie danced with Allison and I awhile, but spent more time with her friends getting down.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Girlscout Cookies Arrive

Today, our home turned into cookie central with the arrival of boxes from both Sophie's and Allison's troups.  It took 2 cars to haul the > 1900 boxes to their temporary abode in our home.

Fortunately, we had some help in unloading - thanks Nana and Natalie. 

 You know Paula, so there was a spreadsheet involved and a bunch of highly organized stacking.  Here's the girls victory pose when all was sorted out.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

100th Day of School

The kids in Kindergarten were instructed to decorate a shirt with 100 of any items for the 100th Day of School.  Allison wanted hers to be different.  So, she decided to use Girl Scout SWAPS (Some Watchamacallit Affectionally Pinned Somewhere).  She figured since she was one of only 5 scouts in Kindergarten and the only one with a big sister who is also a scout (and who would loan her enough SWAPS) that she would be the only one to come up with this idea.  Anyway, here is the final product!

Here she is with 2 of her Girl Scout Buddies!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Fence Post Repair

Our subdivision is named Windy Hills Farm.   Now the farm is long gone and the hill is rather modest, but boy is it still windy.   That causes fence damage rather routinely.  We came home from TNPC and Danny's birthday party last Sunday and found our kind neighbors repairing a couple broken fence posts.

The boys helped out and joined in the celebration when the old posts were fully dug out.

The holes were about 2/3rds of an Allison deep.

Tim and I caught a fish, I mean fence post, that was thiisss loonggg.