Saturday, May 30, 2009

GONE II ... and then some finds!!!

So, this is an addition to and continuation of my last post (see below)

Here is a picture from our wedding day...

Here is a picture of what I discovered on Tuesday morning...

Now this is not the first time the diamond has been lost. On our honeymoon, I took my rings off on hole 1 at Kapula Golf Course (Maui) to put on sunscreen. I got distracted and just hopped up when I wanted to look at something. It was about 3 holes later that I realized what I had done. John and I went back and actually found both rings in the fairway.

And, here is a picture from late Wednesday afternoon...

I was amazed!!! I realized the diamond was missing as I was driving to our church Tuesday morning. We had just left the house and putting on my rings was the last thing I did before we left. So, we turned around and went back and I did a complete search of the area between my night stand and the back door. At this point, I believed it was gone. There were too many other places we had been just on Monday alone where it would have been impossible to find.... Oma's house, Memorial Day Service at Rest Haven cemetary, Albertsons. We alerted Oma (John's mom) and she was on a mission to find it. She even called Rest Haven and had them look out there. On Wednesday afternoon, we needed to run to the grocery store to pick up a last minute item for dinner. I parked close to where I parked Monday evening. I told the kids (yes, I had all three of them with me!) that I parked between these two lines and wanted to look to see if the diamond was there...yeah it would still be here three days later! Sophie immediately stoop down and started trying to pick something up.

I said, "Now, Sophie...don't get all dirty! You don't have to pick up everything you see. The chances of it being here are like a gazillion to one!!!".

Sophie said, "But, mom, this really looks like it is the shape of a diamond!"

At this point, I realized that it WAS the diamond and I had no words...I just started to cry!

Some of the other things also found from the last post --- Jason's shoes, Mommy's drivers license, and all of the kids' health!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009


10 things that we have lost or gotten rid of in the past couple of weeks:

1. TIME - I've always known that doctor visits take a lot of time, but it is magnified when you have to take all three kids to the doctor for ear infections and they kids didn't think to schedule their illnesses at the same time.

2. SLEEP - kids with ear aches and coughing do not sleep very well...and therefore, neither do their parents.

3. Laptop - John got a new computer a work. He traded in the laptop for a (hopefully) more powerful desktop.

4. Driver's License - The last time I saw mine, it was in Allison's possession.

5. PS3 network connection - John tried to run the required ps3 operating system update and now the network connection is just gone.

6. AM radio - I know ... your thinking, "who cares?" But I run many of my errands at night after the kids go down AND I love the Texas Rangers. No AM radio means no 1080 and no Rangers game.

7. Mommy/Allison Time - Yesterday was Jason's last day of preschool for the year.

8. Half of Jason's shoes - Unfortunately we have misplaced one croc and one sandal, so he is left with just tennis shoes for the moment.

9. Nursery furniture - We gave away all of it to a coworker of John whose wife is expecting their first child this fall.

10. Sophie's first top tooth....

Monday, May 18, 2009

Comedy Act, 12:30 am

It's been a long week and a half. First I spent Mother's Day weekend in a Nyquil-induced coma. Then each of the kids took turns battling the allergies. The results of the allergies have settled into an ear infection for Jason and coughs for all three of the kids. It is the coughing that we are battling especially during the night.

So, last night was no different. Here is part of the conversation that took place during my second wake up call of the night.

Mommy: What's wrong, sweetie?

Jason: skfjeohfradslknvoei (I have no idea what he said through the crying!!!)

Mommy: What?

Jason: They LEFT me!! (pointing at his both his sleeping sisters.)

Mommy: Where did they go? (quite confused as, obviously, they had gone nowhere.)

Jason: to sleeeeeeeep!!!!! (with a big whiney, crying sigh and BIG puppy dog tears!)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

I love my bride and think she is a great Mom. My kids agree. This week Sophie decided to create a Happy Mother's Day Tea card completely unsolicitated and unaided. She made the card while Paula was out and surprised her by putting it on her pillow. This is a scan of the inside of the card.

Happy Mother's Day Paula!!!